
Ocean Shores 1500 SqFt Rent in Driftwood Plaza--Hot!! Only Last one Re…

오션쇼어 1500 sqft RENT - hot!!! Only Last one Retail !! (Ocean Shores)

 Driftwood Plaza Indoor Shopping Center

698 Ocean Shores Blvd NW, Ocean Shores, WA 98569

Retail Space Lease: 1500SqFt | Rent $900  
Bargain Rent


 오션쇼어는급발전하는도시로 35%이상이은퇴자이며, 날로 날로 인구가 증가하는 도시이며 Sea Brooks이 근처에 있씁니다. DriftWood Plaza Shopping Mall(10 Units) 이며,새로은 Retail ( Cafe, Nail Salon,이발소, Bubble Tea Shop,선물가게)하실분을


 환영입니다같은장소에 햄버거가게,일본식당,피자가게는한국분들이운영하고있습니다.


Salon,  Pizza Crust, Mobil Phone store, (2) Restaurants, Gift Shops, 옷가게(9) Stores 성업중입니다. 급속한 주택 건설로 더많은사람들이모이는곳이며마지막Unit 남았습니다.


올해도,내년도왕성한 business전망되는발전하는도시이니방문하시고


서둘러전화주세요 !!!   (253) 223-5080 Mr.Lee


 Property Description: 

 The only one indoor shopping center in Ocean Shore is sitting on the corner lot, along with major road of Ocean Blvd and Chance A La Mer in the heart of Ocean Shores.  the beach access with walking distance among 30 motels /hotels and convention center. Major current tenants include: First Cabin, Japanese Restaurant, S2 Store and RNW Marketing, Shore Shack Restaurant, MK Dreams Fashion, and Mobile Phone Business, Salon, Ocean Vape.

Contact: Please call MR. Lee 253-223-5080 or Merlyn(Site Manager, MK Dreams Fashion’s Owner) for drop-by viewing at site

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